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Katedra Międzynarodowych Stosunków Gospodarczych



Benedykt Olszewski

Individuals and interest groups in the political process. A Public Choice Approach

The aim of the book is to reevaluate inner dynamics of, and tensions between, individuals who are active in the political process as members of interest groups. To that end, the author creates a model for the individual reasoning, preferences, and motivations made manifest in their observable behavior. This is achieved by analyzing the conduct of individuals in society according to the increasing complexity of interaction in the public sphere. The analysis starts with the ethical concerns of individuals and moves towards their capacities as citizens, voters, and politicians. The author then addresses aspects of social contract theory, as well as the uncertainty that is an inherent part of social cooperation. An interdisciplinary approach to public choice, as well as elements of constitutional economy, political philosophy, and ethics are brought together to question our understanding of the way individuals and interest groups operate in the political sphere due to serious inconsistencies of individual reasoning within the latter.

Technological competitiveness of manufacturing of the Visegrad Group countries: main trends in 2011–2021

The aim of the article is to present the results of the analysis regarding the level of technological competitiveness of manufacturing in the V4 countries on the background of the results achieved by the EU during the research period 2011-2021. Even though the issue of competitiveness is widely discussed in the literature, there is still a large research gap regarding new determinants resulting from the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution. This article is an attempt to at least partially fill this gap. The concept of technological competitiveness and its dimensions were defined, which was the starting point for assessing the international competitive position of manufacturing in the V4 economies. Development of manufacturing competitiveness index was conducted based on the principal components analysis method

Determinants ofIndustry 4.0 Readiness intheManufacturing oftheV4 Economies

The article presents the results of research aimed at identifying the determinants of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) readiness in manufacturing and assessing the relevant progress made by the Visegrad Group (V4; i.e. the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) countries between 2011and2021. The investigation relies on the authors’ proposal for twelve variables that constitute the basis for a study using principal component analysis (PCA). Based on the calculation of factor loadings, the study produces a composite indicator ofI4.0 readiness. It is followed by an assessment oftheV4 economies against the backdrop of the other EU Member States.TheV4 economies showed relatively low levels ofI4.0 readiness and made no significant progress. The top performer was the Czech Republic, ranked 12th, on average, between 2011and2021. It was closely followed by Hungary (14th) and Slovakia (17th). Poland was ranked the lowest (20th).The main contribution is the proposal of a set of determinants ofI4.0 readiness in manufacturing. Measuring the progress ofI4.0 readiness intheV4 economies and identifying barriers toI4.0 implementation in manufacturing may have application value for public policies

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