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DIGI4Teach Conclusions


The University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics & Business is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project for the exchange of good practices entitled Challenges and practices of teaching economic disciplines in era of digitalization” (DIGI4Teach).  The project is carried out in cooperation with 8 higher and secondary school partner institutions from Croatia, Germany, Poland and Serbia.

In the period from February 28 to March 1, 2023, a transnational project meeting “Conclusion meeting” was held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade, which is one of the partners in the project. On the first day, after the welcoming speech of the host institution and the project manager, a report on the progress of the project was given, the key achievements of the project were analyzed, as well as the challenges that partners encountered during the project. The main output of this project, in addition to improving the digital skills of teachers, is the creation of a handbook that includes, among others, case studies from the field of economics that were prepared with the application of various digital tools. Since the project is in its final phase, the dissemination plan of the project activities was analyzed in order to make the project results available to the general public. The second day of the meeting was devoted to analysing the activities of the Quality Management Committee, and the activities and responsibilities related to preparing the Final Report were assigned. Of course, ensuring the sustainability of the project as well as the continuation of our cooperation was also discussed, especially because a particularly beautiful connection was created within DIGI4Teach partnership.

 If you have not signed up for our newsletter so far, you can still sign up here: to get free access to our Handbook that contains various case studies that can be freely used in classes or other forms of education.



Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koordinator je Erasmus+ projekta strateškog partnerstva razmjene dobre prakse pod nazivom „Challenges and practices of teaching economic disciplines in era of digitalization (DIGI4Teach)Projekt se provodi u suradnji 8 visokoškolskih i srednjoškolskih partnerskih institucija iz Hrvatske, Njemačke, Poljske i Srbije. 


U razdoblju od 28. veljače do 1. ožujka 2023. godine održan je transnacionalni projektni sastanak „Conclusion meeting“ na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Beogradu, koji je jedan od partnera na projektu. Prvi dan, nakon pozdravnog govora institucije domaćina i voditeljice projekta, prezentiran je izvještaj o napretku projekta, analizirana su ključna postignuća projekta kao i izazovi s kojima su se partneri susretali za vrijeme trajanja projekta. Glavni output ovoga projekta, pored unapređenja digitalnih vještina nastavnika, jest i izrada priručnika koji bi, između ostaloga, uključivao studije slučajeva iz područja ekonomije koji su pripremani uz primjenu različitih digitalnih alata. Budući da je projekt u svojoj završnoj fazi, detaljno je analiziran plan diseminacije projektnih aktivnosti kako bi rezultati projekta bili dostupni široj javnosti. Drugi dan sastanka bio je posvećen analizi aktivnosti Odbora za upravljanje kvalitetom provedbe projekta te su podijeljene aktivnosti i odgovornosti vezano uz pripremu Završnog izvješća. Naravno, razgovaralo se i o osiguranju održivosti projekta kao i nastavku naše suradnje budući da je posebno lijepa povezanost ostvarena unutar DIGI4Teach partnerstva.


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